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Dr. Zsófia Bitai LL.M.

Managing Partner

Dr Zsófia Bitai is the Managing Partner of CLM BITAI & PARTNERS Law Firm. Besides managing the Law Firm, she leads the Advertisement & Competition law, furthermore the GDPR practice areas.

She holds a master degree in EU Competition Law from Kings’ College London and before she was legal counsel at the Hungarian Competition Office.

She launched Competition, Advertisement law & GDPR compliance programmes at many multinational companies, which are continuously supervised by her. Moreover, she reviews advertisement & social media campaigns on a day to day basis.

Among her works, worth to highlight that she negotiated and advised on numerous commercial and marketing contracts, furthermore she represented many clients in competition and consumer protection authority proceedings.

Zsofia has almost 10 years of experience as in-house legal counsel at major multinational companies and state authorities, therefore she is well trained in internal management, structuring and processes of companies. She recognises business needs and legal problems easily. She provides clients with swift and easy to understand legal advice according to their needs.

She is focused on solutions, she does not know the word: impossible. Besides solving legal issues, based on her experience she provides the clients with business advice, furthermore she helps them with connections through her business network.

Working Languages: Hungarian, English, German
