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Dr. Sarolta Torma


As a cooperating attorney at law of CLM BITAI & PARTNERS she assists our clients mainly in the fields of advertising and marketing law, commercial and  competition law, food law, intellectual property law, privacy law, civil law.

During the decades of her professional practice she worked also as a civil judge, in-house lawyer and advocate. For 25 years she was working for the fast-moving consumer goods sector (producing and distributing food, household-care, cosmetics products), in a multinational  environment, where in addition to the above areas of law,  she also gained extensive experience and knowledge in cooperation and coordination of international projects.

The above work experience also taught her how a lawyer should “coexist” with the business (in marketing, sales and other issues) in order to come up with solutions that are not only legally correct but also business-friendly.

Work languages: Hungarian, English


