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Dr. Mónika Mosolygó

Associated Attorney-at-law

As a cooperating attorney at the CLM BITAI & PARTNERS, she provides help in many areas such as real estate law, labour law and data protection, GDPR and company law.

After completing her degree in law, she gained a postgraduate diploma at Eötvös Loránd University in the field of European Community laws.

Since 2001 she has gained professional experience in the field of labour law in public administration, and has deepened her knowledge of civil law and labour law at a law firm specialized in property law, insurance, compensation and labour law. The full implementation of property transactions, real estate sale and purchase and gift contracts is her main area of speciality.

n her work, she gives great importance to understand the problems of the clients and applies practical approach of legislation, while always focusing on the solution.

Spoken languages: Hungarian, English, German


